2. A polished precious stone
4. A specified ammount
8. A question for what cause or reason
9. A famous female singer
10. The 12th month
12. To talk or
14. Animation tv series
16. A small greenish-yellow fruit
17. A formal term of a man
18. Any small hanging thing that attached to something
19. The act of urinating
20. The opposite of short
21. An informal term of a man or a boy
23. An animal from the dog family (plural)
24. A pronoun
Down :
1. Not alive anymore
2. An air transportation with a high speed
3. A device that produce air to give a cool sensation
4. A woman that lead a kingdom
5. The opposite of
6. A recreation
place with a various kind of animal
7. Similar with a mouse
8. At what time ?
10. The enterance of a room
11. To slow or stop
12. The creator of everything
13. A public transportation with a big size and capacity
14. A transportation, usually have four wheels
15.A cloth that cover from shoulder to the hips (It dont
cover the arm)
19. An animal (It is the main ingredient to make a pork )
22. The opposite of down
25. The underground part of a plant
26. Becoming very popular